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We celebrated World Book Day on Friday 3rd March.  We held a non uniform day and asked children to design their own t-shirts to celebrate their favourite texts/authors. Some of our children decided to wear costumes that they had at home.  We thought they all looked wonderful and were very impressed by their creativity!  We raised £230.67 for us to purchase some new books - we are delighted!  Thank you to you all for your generosity.


Each year group also studied the text ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse ’by Charlie Mackesy and produced a range of reading and writing outcomes.

This year, we were keen to get EVERYBODY reading in school including our parents and carers. We hosted a ‘Read-A-Long’ where we invited our parents and carers to come into school to read with the children. We asked for a contribution of £1 to attend and this contribution has been put towards purchasing new books for our school. We were delighted by your support and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

We received a wonderful workshop recently to our Year 5 who have been exploring the topic: ‘Rivers’. We have specifically focused on developing the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography.

Our children have had a busy week back at school and some of them have taken part in various sports matches.  See below for the results! 

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